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Stefan's Florilegium


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Grant-example-msg - 1/12/93


Example of a period Grant-for-life.


NOTE: See also the files: calligraphy-msg, alphabets-msg, parchment-msg,

quills-msg, inks-msg, p-lawyers-msg.





This file is a collection of various messages having a common theme that

I  have collected from my reading of the various computer networks. Some

messages date back to 1989, some may be as recent as yesterday.


This file is part of a collection of files called Stefan’s Florilegium.

These files are available on the Internet at: http://www.florilegium.org


I  have done  a limited amount  of  editing. Messages having to do with

seperate topics  were sometimes split into different files and sometimes

extraneous information was removed. For instance, the  message IDs were

removed to save space and remove clutter.


The comments made in these messages are not necessarily my viewpoints. I

make  no claims  as  to the accuracy  of  the information  given  by the

individual authors.


Please  respect the time  and  efforts of  those who have written these

messages. The  copyright status  of these messages  is  unclear  at this

time. If  information  is  published  from  these  messages, please give

credit to the orignator(s).


Thank you,

   Mark S. Harris                  AKA:  Lord Stefan li Rous

   RSVE60 at email.sps.mot.com              stefan at texas.net



Date: January 12, 1993


Greetings my Lord Stefan! I pray this note finds you well and prosperous.


>Are you planning to make this translation available when you are finished,

>my lord?


It hadn't occurred to me that anybody else would be interested in seeing it.


>For I would like to have a copy for myself. Even better would be the

>permission to make it available along with my other SCA files. I would

>be happy to keep any copyright notice intact with any copies I distribute.


That is certainly acceptable. The reason I wanted to translate it in the first

place is that I would like to see it used here in Windmaster's to reward gentles

by granting them land within the barony. Of course it would mean nothing from a

precedence standpoint, but I would much rather receive a manor (even a virtual

one) than a baronial order. At any rate, here is original text as well as the

translation. -RdG


Here is the original text:



Henri de Lascy conte de Nichole e conestable de Cestre seignur de Ross e de

Reweynok' a tuz ceus ke cest escrit verront ou orront saluz en nostre Siegnur.

Sachez nus aver done e graunte par cest nostre present escrit a John le Chapman

nostre warenner de Hengstrigg' tote la terre e le tenement ke William le

Warenner jadis tint de nus en nostre maner de Kingeston' en Dorsete; a aver e a

tenir de nus e de nos heirs ou a nos assingnez ou dit Johan a tote sa vie;

rendaunt ent par an a nus e a nos heirs ou a nos assingnez vint souz

desterlings; cest asaveir a la Purification de Nostre Dame a la Nativite de

Seint Johan le Baptistre e a le Seint Michel par owel porcions pur tote manere

de servises a nus e a nos heirs appenduanz; e nus Henri de Lascy e nos heirs la

devauntdite terre e tenement au dit Johan a tote sa vie en la forme avauntdite

garantiroms. En tesmoine de queu chose a cest escrit endente a la partie

demoraunt vers Johan avoms fet mettre nostre seel.



Here is the translation:


Henry de Lascy (Lacy?) count of Nichole and constable of Chester, lord of Ross

and of Reweynok [1] to all those who this writing see or hear, greeting in Our

Lord. Know that we have given and granted by this our present writing to John le

Chapman, our warrener of Hengstrigg, all the land and the tenement that William

the Warrener had held of us in our manor of Kingeston in Dorset; to have and to

hold of us and of our heirs or of our assigns to the said John for all his life;

rendering therefore to us and our heirs or to our assigns twenty sous [2]

sterling; they to be rendered at the Purification of our Lady, at the Nativity

of St. John the Baptist, and at (the feast of) Saint Michael in equal parts for

all manner of services to us and to our heirs appertaining; and we, Henri de

Lascy, and our heirs the aforesaid land and tenement to the said John for all

his life in the aforesaid way do warrant. In witness whereof on this 'escrit

endente' (indenture) on the portion delivered to John [3] (we) have made fixed

our seal.





[1] I think this is probably a French spelling of Roanoke.

[2] shillings

[3] This was originally a two piece document, with the same text on the upper

and lower half separated by the word SCRIPTUM in gothic caps. The document was

separated horizontally through the center of the word with the upper half on the

bottom margin of one piece and the lower half on the upper margin of the other

piece. One piece was given to the grantee and the other remained with grantor.


The original was executed in 1291.



Richard du Guesclin               |Catapultum habeo. Nisi

Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill       |pecuniam omnem mihi dabis,

Atlantia                          |ad caput tuum saxum imane



Jim Davis                         [davis.jim at epamail.epa.gov]


<the end>

Formatting copyright © Mark S. Harris (THLord Stefan li Rous).
All other copyrights are property of the original article and message authors.

Comments to the Editor: stefan at florilegium.org